Faith & Service
Our goal at Salesian is to be intentional and consistent in offering, to all those involved with Salesian College Preparatory, opportunities and experiences of life-giving outreach to our neighbors. Ultimately, we recognize that the faith we profess must be lived through our actions. The Salesian Service Learning Project (SSLP) is the instrument through which we choose to develop this key aspect of our school life.
The overarching goal of the formation of good Christians and honest citizens in keeping with sound Salesian mission ideals dictates that we, at Salesian College Preparatory, take ownership of the four major goals of service learning:
- To encourage students, parents, staff and faculty to grow and share their faith by serving others.
- To facilitate in all the members of the Salesian school community the capacity to “build welcoming communities.”
- To deepen respect for the differences of others through strengthening our understanding of our mission as "church".
- To encourage each of us to demonstrate our love of God by sharing our gifts, talents, and time with others.
In order to instill in our students the importance of participating in community service, investing in one's community and giving back, each of our students must fulfill their personal service commitments throughout the academic year.
Each year every Salesian student must complete four service projects:
- Two Service Donation Projects (Thanksgiving and Project Santa)
- An Individual Service Project of the student’s own choice, on or off campus. This includes completion of a self-assessment/reflection form and a project supervisor’s confirmation of the project completion. We suggest a minimum of twelve hours of dedication to the project.
- A Service Day Project. This includes completion of a self-assessment/reflection form and a project supervisor’s confirmation of the project completion. Service Day usually takes place in the spring. On Service Day all students, faculty, and staff go out, as Faith Families, into the local neighborhood to offer their service in a variety of ways; and most importantly, develop a commitment to service in the long term.
- Complete Class Service Learning Project (grade level specific; details shared via religion classes each year). The Service Learning Coordinator approves individual Service Learning Projects and monitors student progress in completing other requirements in the program annually.
Development of Faith
Daily Morning Prayer
Masses/Prayer Services
Feast Day
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered to classes each year. Students have the opportunity to visit the Salesian Chapel within their religion classes and meet with a Salesian priest to embrace reflection and forgiveness.
Kairos Retreats
Kairos is a multi-day off-campus retreat that provides Juniors and Seniors an extended opportunity to look more closely and deeply at their relationships with self, others, and God. Led by students who have participated in previous Kairos, the focus on the days allows times for personal reflection and times of prayer.
Faith Families
Faith Families are a cherished tradition at Salesian College Preparatory. Named after Salesian churches and universities worldwide, Faith Families are comprised of students from all grade levels and two faculty and staff moderators. Faith Families meet regularly to foster relationships, enhance leadership skills, and deepen students' faith. This tradition strengthens our vibrant community, something we take great pride in. Service Projects like our Thanksgiving food and Christmas Toy Drives are conducted and completed through Faith Families.
Below are our Faith Families at Salesian College Preparatory:
For information regarding
Faith Formation, Service Projects,
or Class Retreats, contact our Coordinator of Youth Ministry (CYM) and Religious Studies Department Chair,
Mr. Adrian Mison Fulay