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Visual & Performing Arts

Visual & Performing Arts

The Visual and Performing Arts Department believes that the arts are an integral part of education. The department intends to foster each student's artistic, musical or dramatic capabilities in order to allow the student to express his or her creativity. The department also believes that every single person has the ability to expand his or her own talents when given time and encouragement.

5 Students performing outside under a tent
3 clay figures standing next to each other
Theatre performance by students and a girl in a blue dress singing
Two students singing in the spotlight
A cute puppy, drawn on paper with pencil
8 cups, each with a different art tool in them.
students pose for a picture while they work on their paintings in the art room
giraffe, on paper with pencil

"Salesian believes that the arts are an integral part of education. The department intends to foster each student’s artistic, musical or dramatic capabilities in order to allow the student to express his or her creativity."

Debra Shushan, VPA Department Chair

Whether you are looking for a creative outlet to balance your academic studies or you are considering a career in this field, you will find your interests served by Salesian's art program. Students gain proficiency in the basics of drawing, color theory, and design through experience with a wide variety of art media. Course instruction includes painting, drawing, ceramics, mixed media, design, photography, and other applications.

Learn more about the Arts at Salesian 

VPA Presents: "Valerie"

Salesian College Preparatory Block 2 Band performs
"Valerie" by The Zutons at the 2023 Spring Music Concert

Explore Our Curriculum

Our Visual and Performing Arts Faculty

Debra Shushan

Debra Shushan

Titles: Department Chair: Visual and Performing Arts, Art Teacher, VMAP Teacher
Katherine Osenga PhD

Katherine Osenga PhD

Titles: Art Teacher
S. Monique Belle

S. Monique Belle

Titles: Dance Teacher
Steve Hogan

Steve Hogan

Titles: Music Teacher/Band Instructor
Janet O'Hair

Janet O'Hair

Titles: Department Chair: English, Drama Teacher, Theatre Director